"I was with it once! Then, they changed what 'it' was. Now 'what it is' is scary and strange! It will happen to you..."
If you watch The Simpsons, you probably recognize that quote from Grampa Simpson. It's a perfect sum of my latest experiences as I become A Blogger, and, more terrifyingly, a twit. I mean, a Tweeter. My husband is an enabler! I married an IT engineer, and he just really thinks it best that back away from the hardware as I am to computers what Michael Vick is to veterinarians.
It's so sad to watch me fumble with technology that others my age have zero issues with. I mean, the cast of Jersey Shore can bip around the internet with adroitness, for the love of Mike. Did you notice I managed to get my Twitter feed to appear to the side, there? A major accomplishment for someone just learning Power Point and how to download j-pegs that left me smug for a whole afternoon.
And did you know there's a whole set of etiquette to learn with each of these social media thingies that no one will let me get by without conquering? Who wrote these rules? Friending, unfriending...I'll tell you about that when I'm finally forced onto Facebook. But I'm totally intimidated by learning this navigation of following, unfollowing, how to post pictures and videos...and I'm supposed to, for some reason, really want tens of thousands of followers. So I'll thank you later when I am more educated.
I take personal risk with this post! My intellect is already questioned due to my abnormal obsession with The Young and the Restless (as a therapist, I have a theory about why I adopted friends that are two dimensional, but I digress). I consider this post a bit of a personal confession, dear reader, because I have a feeling it will hold me accountable to joining this century. Making public my shame over my Techno Fear will force me to adapt, I hope. Kinda like those Biggest Loser candidates that they make take off their shirt in front of high school stadiums full of people they know: accountability!
So I invite you to bear witness to my inartful clumping about townsquarebuzz.com, mckinneymommadrama.blogspot.com, and Twitter at @eliskacounce. I'm (sometimes quite unintentionally) hilarious when I'm not annoying the poo out of you. You'll either be kind enough to help me or your hate mail will shame me into learning. A win win!
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