Some wait until their loved ones are asleep to sneak to the liquor cabinet, the internet for dubious lacivious pleasures, to the fridge for the forbidden snack. But then, there is me: denying myself the extra hour of sleep for you, dear reader! I've been herding three small children for the last fourteen days of holiday school break. I know there are others of you who share my pain. To blog for me is to hear for the first time today, perhaps, my own voice in my head. Thank you.
I know you other Matriarchs (and Patriarchs!) understand! Let us not undersell the majesty of the role of mother, though, with the simple label "Mommy." Oh, no. It is not "Mommy" who strategizes a catering menu for a week, constructs a shopping list broken down by grocery store departments. "Mommy" suggests a softness not inherent in The Matriarch who dons her New Balances for the hours in Target with her list broken down by departments, holiday joy set in her sights.
Of course, there is a method to the madness. We have values, we Matriarchs. Smells and memories for our children and loved ones, sights and joys to treasure and pass on. Which is one of the reasons I am pleased to wait for the small ones to abed, even the weary Knight of Local Technological Corporation to doff his shield for the eve, to steal the chance to possibly connect and share with some of you other royals who live and get it.
And what cannot be lost: the incredible luxury in what we live. As we prepare to usher in and celebrate the new year, Matriarchs can't just be responsible for the catering and the cleaning. It's also about passing on the the awareness of the luxury in which we enjoy here in Collin County; the kind of wealth that the Matriarch in Afghanistan. in Iraq, in Darfur could only imagine in her wildest dreams.
I am blessed to be here in North Texas with you and your children in 2011! Stayed tuned! I got more. Please: know you are wealthy beyond belief. Act accordingly. I'll do the same.