I've been calling Fear out on the carpet of late. I've gotten to where I don't like the cut of his jib, thank you very much, and am wanting to enjoy myself without his company. Now, those of you who've been watching the bouncing ball know a little of my life's special brand of Fear: the hubs and his lemon of a liver.
Been interesting times of late: a five day evaluation to assess his placement on the universal transplant receipient list. Good times: early long commute five days in a row to the belly of the beast that is the hospital I call Major Medical. Meetings and procedures scheduled 8 to 5, the necessity of the presence of "a caretaker" for hubs (needing "a caretaker" when you feel like a healthy guy in your thirties has one fun psychological punch, but I digress).
Good news came out of the visit, though: we've gotten a few miles added to the liver forecast, and tests were showing improvement. Hubs is looking amazing compared to some of our fellow travelers with far scarier diseases and enthusiastic progressions. My having acquired the knowledge of a hepatologist, a nutritionist, and an organic chef evidently have not been in vain. Best of all: he's listed. You be a donor now please.
And there's more to do to punch that jerk Fear right in his chinless face: love. Love, love, love: I'm going to sound like the high heeled hippie I actually am. No matter what happens, there will be enough love for me. You, my fellow planet dwellers, and I are going to figure this out. Together.
Love: it's what will make you truly secure. Money won't. Just ask Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon. Richer than God Himself. But decided to invest with Madoff and were subsequently relieved of the awesome responsibility of being that fabulously wealthy. Every story told to me as a counselor literally boils down to matters of love or power.
It's love love love: the investment that can never fail. And when you love, you make yourself secure...and most powerful. The strength is indeed in our numbers. Hand love out freely and never want for anything in your life, no matter what farce, predicament, or drama presents itself.
Talk to the hand, Fear.