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Friday, September 7, 2012

Hip to be Square

I am either living a dream, or I have lost my damn fool mind (as we say here in the South). Maybe a little of both. I have a new gig, folks, which you may have noticed if you lurk around my blog or Twitter account. Have you checked out lately? Yep, that's video of me sipping chardonnay with my friend Matt, prattling on about Tom Cruise's odd dating life and the bad case of Collin County affluenza.

And here's the darnedest thing, folks: I am being given cash money for doing so. I still can't quite wrap my head around it. That's what you get when you put out to the Universe you'd like to be paid for your sparkling personality alone. There's a reason people say be careful what you wish for. Now the internet is littered with me.

Yep, unfathomably, I am being paid by my marvelous if mysterious boss at my local e-paper,, to drink wine and talk smack with a dear friend on camera. Can you believe it? I've been convinced by my boss people will want to see me tipsy and talking about Snooki spawning or the latest antics of LiLo. I am flattered and at the same time terrified out of my pants. I mean, I find myself hilarious. I talk to myself all the time. But am I a Not-Quite-Ready-For-Primetime player?

But I'm in! I've never let uncertainty keep me from wading on in. Sometimes with good outcome, sometimes...not so much. But when I'm not terrified I'm going to come off like a shrieky goon, I'm secretly giddy. Someone thought my personality and online snark was worth bringing to life in a video segment! As a life-long attention whore, I can tell you there's no more satisfying feeling. YOU LIKE ME! YOU REALLY LIKE ME!

So let me tell you a little about what Reel McKinney's Square Off show is about. Maybe you'll want to check Matt and me out.

First, it's about wine. Why? Because I should get paid to drink wine, mostly. Oh, I kid. We do want to showcase some of our fabulous, local Texas wines and talk about good pairings for them. Mostly, our show is about joining a couple of friends for happy hour and getting your gossip on. We'll put Billy Bush and his Access Hollywood crew to shame. We're Kathie Lee and Hoda on crack. We're a fat country Kelly and a gay Regis. What could be any better? We'll be closely watching and commenting on the latest trends online and reacting to your emails and tweets about what we're saying.

Caveat: as the bio says, recall: I'm a blue chick in the reddest county in the reddest state. My opinions often, shall we say, don't exactly jibe with a large portion of the local citizenry. I will, and before very long, piss someone off. Mightily, most likely. It's...just what I do. It's a gift. Perhaps that's part of my charm. Let's say it is. Yes, let's.

But nonetheless, I am so looking forward to engaging more with you all. As long as we all play nice, everyone's welcome to Square Off with Matt and Eliska. And I'm interested in knowing what you'd like to talk about: wine? Politics? Celebrity buzz?

Square Off is open and ready for your business. And let me leave y'all with this: do what you enjoy. Pursue what makes you happy. You've got something about you that you do better than everyone else. Something that makes time fly by, makes you forget time. Something that serves the planet. And you will be rewarded for it. You really can make money being you. Who knew?

Just look at me! Taking care of business and working overtime. I, too, love to work at nothing all day. I just never, ever expected to get paid for it. So let's have some fun! Join Matty and me at on Fridays. Tweet or email what you'd like us to talk about our your comments. I am so looking forward to getting to know you.

Looking forward to our wine next Friday, y'all. Check out Matt and me as we Square Off about the political conventions and much, much more. Cheers! And see you for the Town Square Buzz.