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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Bitch Goddess Megatronics Corporation

My husband's job with Megatronics (not its real name) giveth, but damn, do it taketh away. I'm thrilled with the health insurance; God forbid that ever goes away with my three Typhoid Mary children, but really. Laptop open constantly, all hours day and night, holidays. No time off...even at the holidays. Oh, the days are there, but Megatronics will punish you for using them. Phone bud in the ear, mumbling like a schizophrenic.

This is not a rant against my husband! To his credit, he's doing everything he can to keep me supporting the entire economy of North Texas. But Megatronics is sucking the life out of my already health-compromised husband. He's complicit, of course, but that's for another blog.

It's such a Dickensian dirty little secret, isn't it? You work for one of these big companies, and in this economy everyone's so damn happy to not have been amongst the quarter of staff fired in 08 or 09. Please, sir? May I have some more? You WILL work as many hours as we ask, salary boy, and you will smile and ask for more or go without treatment for your lemon of a liver.

Sick kids? Oh well. Unfed animals? Too bad. Skyrocketing divorce rates among workers who literally are expected to be up at any hour of day or night to answer an email, engineer software, or be on a conference call to India? Alas. I am working very hard not to put an expletive in front of "India," by the way, because I'm a good Southern girl with appropriate breeding. But I am starting to bristle whenever I hear the accent.

But you'd be proud! I'm adjusting. I am here to be the maker of the home for now, while the babies are small. And to support my other wives and mommies. Holla back, those ladies who do all the housework, all the shopping, the maintenance of every social relationship, the cooking, the butt wiping, and some of you work full time too...just not at the Megatronics job that carries the insurance, so you draw the short stick and suck it up for the good of your family.

You do not go unseen or unsung! March on, my domestic sistahs!! I gots love for ya!

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