The only way to make it through this time of year and come out on the other side with any semblance of sanity is to retreat to the moment. Find joy in what you can...I did a little inner dance over self-adhesive stamps this morning, for example, when I had to mail forty Christmas cards. Can you imagine the licking?? On the other hand, stop imagining the licking.
Slow down. Do whatever you're doing with deliberateness instead of the usual crazed done-and-I'm-on-to-the-next one we Mommies do so well. Bake the cookies to bake the cookies...smell, taste, really hear and experience each moment. Stop. Hear the carol. Notice your feelings.
All too soon the magic of watching Christmas through your young children's eyes will be over. Enjoy them now. Christmas is amazing for them, no matter what material goods they might be receiving. Talk about the magic, the believing, the spirit.
I'm also a big believer in the best Christmas tradition as having fun. Please don't let your children remember you as the Yulezilla who would rather have every detail of the decorating and menu perfect than have family members enjoy themselves and you. They won't remember what present you got them this particular year or even if the turkey was dry or delicious. They will absolutely remember you crying and cursing in the bathroom with the door locked.
Good luck with the holidrama!
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