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Thursday, March 28, 2013


It's that time of year again! Wonderful spring. Despite the lies of that dastardly Punxsutawny Phil and weather that might indeed have the Easter Bunny freezing his eggs off, I'm determined to go ahead and celebrate one great season. Godspeed, winter! I refuse to wait for the cooperation of the weather. There's simply too many awesome characteristics to this time of year in which to revel. And whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, or the Vernal Equinox, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this, the marvelous season of spring. For your perusal, here's some of my favorites aspects of the season.

Baby things! Only in spring can my favorite butterflies flutter around my feet as I take my daily run. I once ran across a lawn full of hopping baby bunnies (collective "AAWWW" here). A special treat: there's a birdhouse nestled in the corner of our front porch ceiling, and this time every year, I can peek out the window and watch the same purple martins return to their home and raise a new flock of babies right outside my door. Sure, they dive-bomb me when I go out for the paper or the mail, but I'm a parent. I get it. Here's to cute baby things!

New beginnings. The season of spring and the celebration of spring holidays are all focused on rebirth, new promise, and fresh starts. As a perennial screw-up, I am super-fond of the second chance, the idea of spring cleaning, both mentally and physically. The change of the season offers a chance to take inventory and toss out what's extraneous, unneeded, or hindering progress. Spring is a great time to make new goals, shake old habits, and take inventory. What would you like to accomplish by summer's first day?

Candy! With Easter at my house comes chocolate. Let's just say I have faith in the power of the Cadbury Egg to establish world peace. We should hand them out at the United Nations. Want to hear my guiltiest Easter secret? I dream of packing my hollow chocolate bunny with peanut butter. There. I've said it. Don't judge me. But this is the season of jelly beans and the celestial Peep. Related: whoever decided to make Peeps with their little bottoms covered in chocolate deserves the Presidential Medal of Honor. Sorry, Halloween and Valentine's Day. But your candy doesn't hold a candle to the confections of Easter.

Family traditions. It's such a pleasure to participate in all the Easter traditions my little family has. Before long, my babies will be too old to color eggs. But for now, they're all so excited to roll those eggs around in bowls of dye. They're still little enough to wonder what the Easter Bunny might leave them in their baskets overnight. I love picking out little toys for their baskets and trying to figure out how to keep the dogs from eating hidden boiled eggs each year. These traditions will change, so I'm very aware of making the most of making memories now.

Clothes. I don't know about y'all, but I am bored to death with bulky sweaters, corderoys, and chunky boots. Here's to less clothing as the weather warms! Bring on the sundresses and open toed shoes. Emily Post says we can wear white now. Bring on, even, the cute pedicures and capri pants. Yes, I might be a bit frighteningly pasty for some of you at first. Okay, the light reflected from my white legs could provide the reflection to illuminate a cave, I'm sure. But I'm ready to bare 'em! I'm a Texan, folks. I'm tropical.

There are so many reasons to love the season. So whether you're celebrating a religious holiday this weekend, or observed Passover, or maybe just happened to hold a ceremony for the Vernal Equinox, I think we can all agree spring is a time of reasons to find joy, renewal, and hope. Here's hoping the season finds you refreshed and renewed. Time to get your toes done and whip out the white capri pants! Just don't get any chocolate on them. Those Cadbury Eggs can be messy.

Happy spring!

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